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Living a Sustainable Lifestyle | How to transition to living an eco friendly lifestyle

There's lots of misconceptions when it comes to leading a sustainable lifestyle so we're here to share some simple tips to help you transition to an (imperfect) sustaianble lifestyle.

Thank you to @ecotintedglasses for working with me on this post 💚

Transitioning to an eco-friendly lifestyle doesn't have to be complicated or hard. In fact, a lot of the changes you make can be super simple!

1) Make Small Changes that Work for You

A lot of what you might see on you social media feed might leave you feeling anxious about your actions not being 'enough' or 'not goof enough'. But I'm here to tell you - don't listen to that! Instead take it at your own pace and look for small changes that work for you, your lifestyle and your finances. (Head to our Eco Discounts page to get a discount off your next sustaianble swap.)

Why not take it one room at a time? You could start in your bathroom, or you kitchen, and gradually switch your everyday items to sustainable ones. This way you can pace yourself and not get overwhelmed by all the possible switches you could make. And remember - the most sustaianble purchase is the one you didn't make. Use up what you already have first (even if it's not eco-friendly) and find ways to re-use things you already own (e.g. glass jam jars and plastic takeaway containers) before you buy new.

Taking it one swap at a time may seem like a tiresome process, but it honestly will help you in the long-run! Which is why our next step is so important...

2) Be Patient with Yourself

Sustainable living isn't a competition. Read that again. You're allowed to make mistakes - it's how you learn and grow! Don't beat yourself up if you're not the 'perfect' environmentalist, because none of us are. Being motivated by guilt or fear to make sustainable swaps isn't going to benefit you or the planet in the long-run. Instead you should be focusing on what you can do now and knowing that you're doing your best.

Always be kind and patient with yourself. Remember - you're only human! This leads us nicely onto our final step, which is all about making sustainable living a community feel.

3) Be Proud of your Efforts

Always celebrate your wins - no matter how small they may seem! One of my favourite quotes is, "small steps are still steps". It's so important to remember that are small actions add up and have a big overall impact. So for every sustainable swap you make, every journey you walk instead of taking the car, every friend you help switch from fast fashion to second hand clothing - celebrate it. Don't let anyone discredit your attempts at living sustainably, and make sure you do the same for others. By celebrating each others wins you can encourage others to get involved with living sustainably!

If you want to get involved with a sustaianble community that supports and celebrates others then you're in the right place! Head to the All Things Green Instagram and get involved with the conversations happening there.


Hi, thank you for reading the All Things Green blog! 💚

We share simple eco friendly tips to help you lead an imperfect sustainable lifestyle.

We believe that "small steps are still steps" and that we can all have a positive impact on the planet - no matter how small.

Have a flick through our website to find out more about our story, take advantage of some exciting eco discounts or read our previous blog posts.

I hope you'll join the community over on Instagram and TikTok too!

- Naomi x


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