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How to Spot a Sustainable Brand | Tips to avoid greenwashing

It would seem that one of the best ways to live a sustainable lifestyle is to shop sustainably. Ignoring that shopping sustainably isn't accessible, or affordable, for many - just being able to identify which brands are actually sustainable is an equally difficult task.

In recent years many brands have clocked onto a growing demand from consumers for sustainable and ethical products. This has led to many companies pivoting their marketing strategy to a green one, promoting all the great things their company is doing to help the planet. It's making it harder for us to cut through the noise and understand whether they're truly sustainable, or it's all just a marketing and sales ploy.

Which is why myself and Imperfectly Green have put together this handy guide. Looking at the do's and don'ts of a sustainable business and sharing our favourite brands and resources.

But first...

What is a sustainable brand? What does that involve?

A sustainable brand is a brand that looks at all parts of their business model and tries to minimise its negative impact on the planet, and people on it. Or, better than that, has a positive effect on the world through its business.

Having heard that definition, I'm sure a few sustainable and not sustainable brands come to mind. Always come back to this definition if you're struggling to form a decision!

So now that we've defined what a sustainable brand is...

How to tell if a brand is sustainable?

Never take anything at face value - always do your research! One of the best places to look is the companies website - do they have a tab dedicated to sustainability, do they showcase any certifications/awards, can you find info about their supply chain/materials, what's the brands story/values? Based off these things you can usually make a good assumption about a brand and their products - whether that be positive or negative.

But what if you can't find any of this information? Then you can assume they have something to hide. Transparency is key when it comes to being a green business! If their website, or other channels, don't highlight anything about sustainability it's because they have nothing good to say. Stay away from these companies.

Another good tip is to look at recent news stories (Google: "brand name" news) and see what comes up. No (negative) news is usually good news, but follow the previous steps mentioned too.

What to avoid when looking for a sustainable brand?

We've covered what to look out for, so we should probably share what to avoid. In one word - greenwashing.

I briefly touched on it before, but with the rise of sustainable marketing has come an increase in greenwashing.

Greenwashing: "An attempt to make people believe that your company is doing more to protect the environment than it really is" - Cambridge Dictionary

It's important that we're vigilant as consumers to make sure that we don't get sucked in. Many companies may try to sell you 'green' products (plastic-free, biodegradable, carbon neutral) but if their supply chain isn't sustainable (e.g. they don't treat their workers fairly) then they're not a sustainable business. H&Ms Conscious Collection is a great example of this!

A business is only eco-friendly if all parts of their supply chain are sustainable - everything from materials, to manufacturing, to transport must be addressed. Just buying something that has the word 'eco' on it is not the solution. The materials, labour and company values must be considered as part of your purchase.

What sustainable businesses do we recommend?

Some of our favourite sustainable brands are:

Beauty: Ethique, Zao

*discount code: use 'Naomi20' for 20% off your order

We hope this guide helps you become more confident at finding sustainable businesses!

But remember, shopping second hand, borrowing, using what you already have is the most sustainable option 💚🌱

Other resources we recommend

Take a look at our Eco Discounts page for discounts from sustainable brands I know and love!


Thank you to Imperfectly Green for working to create this guide with us - check out their Instagram


Hi, thank you for reading the All Things Green blog! 💚

We share simple eco friendly tips to help you lead an imperfect sustainable lifestyle. We believe that "small steps are still steps" and that we can all have a positive impact on the planet - no matter how small.

Have a flick through our website to find out more about our story, take advantage of some exciting eco discounts or read our previous blog posts.

I hope you'll join the community over on Instagram and TikTok too!

- Naomi x


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