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How to Have an Impactful Plastic Free July | Three Tips for Participating in Plastic Free July 2022

July marks the start of Plastic Free July, a global campaign to encourage participants to give up single-use plastic for the whole month of July. But giving up single-use plastics, even for a month, is easier said than done!

Plastic, especially single-use, is a part of our society. Just look at the shelves in your local supermarket and you'll see how many of the things you buy in your weekly food shop is packaged in plastic. For many of us, it's not possible to avoid single-use plastic but that doesn't mean that you can't get involved in Plastic Free July 2022.

One of the issues I have with the sustainability movement is that certain individuals promote this misconception that if you're not 100% sustaianble then you can't be a part of the movement. If you're not perfect then you're part of the problem. This is a really toxic mindset that makes individuals feel like they don't have a role to play in creating a more sustainable society. This is a huge problem!

There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to live sustainably, so we should be celebrating everyone who is looking for ways to reduce their impact on the planet. This is the same with Plastic Free July. You may think you can't participate because it's not possible for you to give up all the single-use plastic in your life, but that's okay! You can still participate and swap 20%, 50% or 75% or whatever percent of your current single-use plastic use to more sustainable alternatives.

Now that you know you have a part to play in this campaign, here are our top tips for having an impactful Plastic Free July...

1) Be Kind to Yourself

As the month progresses you'll find that sometimes you slip up, sometimes there's no option but to use single-use plastic, and that's okay. You need to be kind and patient with yourself. Giving up single-use plastic is a process, not something that will happen in a day, or a week, or even a month. You'll have to re-evaluate every area of your life to change your habits to positive actions - this will take time.

Instead of being annoyed with yourself when you make a mistake, why not celebrate your wins instead? Maybe you left your lunch at home so you had no choice to pop to the corner shop and buy a meal deal to eat at work, BUT that morning you used your new shampoo bar for the first time and you're excited to be switching out the plastic bottle for a bar. It's these small wins that will add up to have a big impact so be proud of all you experiment with and replace this month.

2) Look to the Past by @feelingpeachygreen

Plastic, especially single-use, hasn't been around for all that long. There was a time where society functioned without plastic! The first synthetic plastic was invented in 1907. However, it was during World War Two that the use of plastic became a necessity, being used in the manufacturing of parachutes and helmet liners. In fact plastic production in the United States increased by 300% during these years!

So if you're looking for inspiration to reduce your plastic consumption, look to the past. Speak to your grandparents or parents about what they used to do before plastic. They might have some great advice for you! Try and replicate the habits of the past by buying less, buying loose and buying local. Generally the more local a product is, the less likely it will come packaged in plastic. You're also helping support your local economy too!

3) Find your community by (

Leading a sustainable lifestyle can be a lonely journey if you don't have a community to support you. As important as it is to introduce sustainability to new people to get them started on their own eco journey, not all of your friends and family will understand why you're making the lifestyle changes that you are.

To truly succeed this Plastic Free July, try and find an online or in-person community that can help support your actions this month. Surrounding yourself with people who have similar goals is key to staying motivated as they can encourage you when you need. Maybe there's a local group who are getting together to litter pick in the park this month, or maybe you can join a Facebook group where everyone share their favourite sustainable tips. Whatever you decide - find something that works for you!

I hope this post has shown you that participating in Plastic Free July is something that everyone can do! It's not about being perfect, but doing the best you can - where you can - to reduce your consumption of single-use plastic. And remember to lean on your friends and family for advice and support.

Thank you to Eleanor from @feelingpeachygreen and Katie from for collaborating with me on this post!


Interested in learning more about how to get involved in Plastic Free July 2022? Have a read of our previous blog posts or follow along on Instagram as we'll be sharing loads of tips and resources for participating in Plastic Free July!

If you would like to collaborate on a future blog post, get in touch.


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