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Climate Change and Our Impact | How to reduce your impact on the planet

In recent years we have all seen the rise of climate protests and groups, such as Extinction Rebellion and the Strike for Climate, which has spread across the globe. Hundreds of thousands of people are saying that enough is enough. We need change if there is going to be a future on this earth for us, let alone our children and grandchildren. This planet is in a state of emergency – a climate one. And it’s not slowing or down or stopping for anyone unless we do something about it. All of us – including you – have the power to help enact change.

What is Climate Change?

Climate change is a result of the direct impact of human beings on the natural world of this planet. Human activities such as deforestation, mining, and agriculture (to name a few) are all having a devastating impact on the natural world. These activities are disrupting the natural equilibrium of our ecosystem, by releasing unstable levels of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere which trap sunlight in, leading to a warming of the Earth’s temperature.

Why should I care?

Climate Change covers a lot more than just temperature fluctuations; “Climate change is how the characteristics of the weather we experience in a certain place change. It can get hotter or wetter on average or have more concentrated rain in a short period, but then get longer dry periods”. These weather fluctuations are concerning because it leads to uncertainty about our futures. For hundreds of years we have relied on the current weather patterns to grow the food we eat and provide us with the water we drink, but if this changes so does our ability to sustain human life.

Quick facts about the effects of climate change:

  • An estimated 6.5 million people die annually from air pollution

  • 80% of all cities exceed limits for safe air

  • (Source: The World Health Organization)

  • “Hunting, farming and the global move of people to cities has led to massive declines in biodiversity and increased the risk of dangerous viruses like Covid-19 spilling over from animals to humans” (Source: The Guardian)

  • On average people ingest 5g of plastic a week – the equivalent to eating a credit card every week!

  • The rising sea levels, increasing frequencies and severities of natural disasters and increasing likelihoods of droughts will lead to millions of people being displaced

  • E.g.: Parts of the Maldives may become inhabitable in the next 30 years due to rising sea levels (Source: World Bank)

What can I do to help?

Luckily, there are many things you can do to help. Whether that be in your schools, your workplaces, your communities, your countries. But most importantly in your homes and your families and your lifestyles.

Change begins at home, and that is no different when it comes to sustainable living. There are simple, easy, small changes you can make in your daily lives that can help this beautiful planet we call home. Trust me, I know its daunting looking at everything going on and thinking where can I possibly start? There are so many individuals, companies and brands coaching you on how to be ‘greener’ that it can be overwhelming. But that’s why we’re here. We want to help show you that living sustainably won’t always be easy, but it definitely shouldn’t be hard.

5 simple everyday swaps to get you started:

  1. Water bottle – get yourself a reusable water bottle. There are so many companies that sell these that there’s no excuse!

  2. Reusable shopping bags – save the environment and yourself 5p by investing in some reusable shopping bags. Whether they be ‘Bags for Life’ or a stylish tote bag any will do to reduce your plastic consumption

  3. Reusable straws – stop using plastic straws! I know many countries and companies have now banned plastic straws so that’s a step in the right direction. However, bringing your own metal/bamboo straw will help save paper ones that aren’t always recyclable.

  4. Reusable Cotton Pads – we’re all (the female community) guilty of using cotton pads un-sparingly. But swapping to reusable ones, or to save even more money a face cloth, is an easy change.

  5. Lunch box – repurpose those plastic boxes and Tupperware that you have from takeaways and use them as a lunchbox instead of wrapping your food in clingfilm. Helps the environment and stops your sandwich getting squashed in your bag!

Does that really have an impact?

Yes! Those swaps may seem simple, insignificant even, but you’re part of a 7 billion strong community. When we work together, even in our small ways, change happens.

This image from @theearthlingco demonstrates how may single-use items will be saved if you switch to reusable ones in just one year! What’s stopping you?


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We share simple eco friendly tips to help you lead an imperfect sustainable lifestyle. We believe that "small steps are still steps" and that we can all have a positive impact on the planet - no matter how small.

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- Naomi x


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